Saturday 23 August 2008

holidaze = dull daze

Well, not all of them, I guess, but this one certainly is.

My summer holiday this year has turned into a rush of getting things done that I've not had time to do during the year. Now, sad to say, it's nearly over, and I have my planning to do. Back to the computer.

What've I done this holiday? Ummmmm.....

Well I've been to the garage, and spent nearly £100 getting the car fixed. (I love my car - probably more about that later). Whilst waiting for that I spent lots of money in the shops.

I installed ubuntu on my spare puter - been meaning to do that for years. It's a learning curve, but going well.

Other than that I've not done too much. Well, not lots that I'm going to say on here. I made that mistake on an msn blog - wrote too much about my life, then got paranoid every 5 minutes that someone somewhere would recognise me, hence the starting afresh. Well, we'll see how it lasts. Never had much time to blog on my last blog, so probably won't do much here either.

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